Dudes n Beer is proud to announce that a studio staple, Austin’s own Hops & Grain Brewing has joined forces with the Dudes n Beer podcast as a sponsor to provide our in studio guests and regulars with some of the most refreshing, best quality beverages this side of the known universe…the nectar which is Hops & Grain! We love the fact that they are not only a sustainable brewery, but are all about local businesses and being an active part of their community. We are more than excited to be a new part of their community and look forward to working with them in the future and having them on the show to discuss their new brews as the come off the tap. Stop by and visit them today at their 30.2584157,-97.7140246,17z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x8644b5cc4d4fd365:0xe380d26238ddd5f5!2s507+Calles+St,+Austin,+TX+78702!3b1!8m2!3d30.2584157!4d-97.7118359!3m4!1s0x0:0x7eb8bbb1adbddf3d!8m2!3d30.2582621!4d-97.7125881?shorturl=1" target="_blank" rel="noopener">South Austin location and stay tuned for information on their upcoming location in San Marcos! So tune in every Tuesday nights at 8pm, enjoy a few cold brews with us from our friends at Hops & Grain Brewing and remember…drink responsibly!