In this informative 3 guest episode host Christopher Jordan is joined in the first segment by journalist, director of Daily News Collective and host of the Blah-Blah show Jon Bowne to discuss much of the media spin that has occurred during this 2016 Presidential election cycle. From leaked emails to charges of rape, this has been our most tabloidesque election ever. Will the general populace be able to see through the swath of media spin? Is the general public aware that the United States dropped propaganda laws and tried putting FCC regulators into news rooms? Has the media been telling us the truth or has it been concocted to divide the country? In part two Chris is joined by the Honorable Carol Pacheco, who is not only Chris’ mother-in-law but also a former voting member of the Massachusetts Electoral College who will explain the existence of the Electoral College system, how one becomes a member of the system as well as her private experiences working on campaigns over the years both in the trenches for campaigns as well as being a well-respected and high ranking member of the Massachusetts Teachers Union. In the final segment we are joined by Michael Davis, long-time friend of Chris as well as a financial planner and Judge of Elections in the township of East Lackawannock, Pennsylvania. We will discuss the election process, the preparations made locally for such an occasion as well as possible economic impacts of the election at hand. All in this revealing 3 part pre-election episode of the Dudes and Beer podcast!