DnB Ep 259: UAPs, TIC-TACs and UFO Discolsure News with Mike Turber of 5×5 News

In this episode of the Dudes n Beer podcast host Christopher Jordan welcomes recurring guest, Investigator and head of 5×5 News, Mike Turber to the show to discuss the most recent updates in the world of disclosure of the Tic-Tac UAPs, the recent announcement by the navy that they will “Keep the skies clear” off the coast of California.


Two years ago, the US Navy declassified footage of a decommissioned Pentagon program known as AATIP, to investigate UAPs…or “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena”, and new classification used inplace of the venerable title UFO. But what doess this decalassification really mean? How has the disclosure community both latched onto this footage as well as recoiled from it? Does the supposed leak of the footage by Louis Elizando of the To the Stars Academy help or hurt the long-fought cause of UFO disclosure?

Join the Dudes n Beer podcast as we deep dive into the topics of UAPs, TIC-TACs, UFO disclosure news and more with Investigator and head of 5×5 News, Mike Turber.

The Dudes n Beer podcast is a proud member of the HC Universal Network family of podcasts. Visit our LISTEN LIVE page and join the conversation.


0:00 Show Intro and Chris introduces the topic and guests for the episode Mike Turber of 5×5 News to discuss UAVs, UAPs, Tic-Tac, Gimble, Fast Mover and more and the possible technologies behind them.

3:00 Chris plays an official Lockheed-Martin Skunk Works video the premieres specialized plasma fusion reactors.

10:00 Chris and Mike discuss the process through which soft disclosure of advanced technologies began such as data dumps, disclosed documents and small news reports.

15:00 Mike discusses the topic of how the UAVs/Tic-Tac craft of the USS Nimitz encounters regular intercept protocols of the US Navy and that their lack of actual response shows that the craft in question were more than likely ours!

20:00 Mike brings to light the fact that the process of disclosure of the AATIP program and Luis Elizando both harken of coverup and purposeful subterfuge.

25:00 Chris and Mike discuss how issues with the USS Nimitz encounters bring to light an array of issues including the sending of only one fighter to investigate and the removal of data bricks from Navy aircraft by unknown US Air Force personelle.

30:00 Chris and Mike break into the topic of the shady and curious past of Louis Elizando, the man who leaked the existence of the defunct AATIP program.

35:00 Mike goes into the process of declassification that Luis Elizando had to follow in order to get the Nimitz footage released and how he violated numerous protocols doing so.

40:00 Chris and Mike go intothe possible technologies behind the craft being seen across the country and the long history of experimental craft using exotic technologies.

45:00 Mike goes into the long history of reports of UFOs, UAVs and UAPs off the coast of California and the recent issue of unknown drones around the greater Colorado area.

50:00 Mike runs down the list of sources across the internet that are fighting for the truth and releasing declassified documents in the world of disclosure.

55:00 Chris and mike go into the many patents that have popped up over the last few years with Department of Navy stamps on them revealing exotic levitation and other technologies.

60:00 Chris thanks Mike Turber and the audience and signs off the show.

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