In this episode of the Dudes n Beer podcast host Christopher Jordan is joined by Shamanic Healer and Composer, Carlos Cedillo, host of the The PlantMusic Podcast to discuss crystal healing and channeled wisdom.
What was it that initially set Carlos on his path of musical discovery to become a composer? After studying with Mayan Shamans Carlos was a changed individual. Did this other-worldly education bring a deeper understanding of vibrations, frequencies and how we affect the world around us?
For thousands of years cultures across the globe have attributed special and even magickal properties to crystals, stones and minerals. WHY? What is it about these simple pieces of geology that has driven the spirituality and even religious rituals of mankind? How can we use modern technology to actually hear the frequencies of not only crystals and minerals but plants and the world around us? What can we learn from these ancient cultures that can help make sense of our modern society? How can the average person learn to channel energy and even communicate with spirits and the other side? What wisdom can a channeled spirit offer us on regards of how to treat each other and heal our world?
Join the Dudes n Beer podcast for a conversation on crystal healing and channeled wisdom as we once again welcome Carlos Cedillo, the host and musician behind The PlantMusic Podcast.
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Thank You for sharing your Wisdom…