Christopher Jordan has been a live audio and video engineer for 20 years with experience in live venues, large format shows, radio and television broadcast as well as high end Corporate A/V and live audio/video recording and streaming. Christopher also owns Austin Hot Mods an Austin, TX based guitar pedal modification company and HC Productions a live Audio/Video recording & content streaming company.
In this enlightening episode of the Dudes and Beer podcast host Christopher Jordan is joined via phone by long-time friend and owner of Seymore Films, John Seymore in Las Vegas, Nevada to discuss the topic of changing the course of life and making your dreams reality. At times everyone believes
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In this episode of the Dudes and Beer podcast host Christopher Jordan is joined by Steven Bishop and Thomas Metz to enjoy some drinks and talk movies. From the classic Schwarzenegger movies of the 80’s such as Commando and Conan the Barbarian to Total Recall which is the personal best
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That’s right folks…don’t listen to those boring old pundits on TV blowing hot air about the candidates and boring topics that mean nothing to your life at large listen to the official election night coverage as only Dudes and Beer can complete with some of our favorite guests such as Confucius
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In this informative 3 guest episode host Christopher Jordan is joined in the first segment by journalist, director of Daily News Collective and host of the Blah-Blah show Jon Bowne to discuss much of the media spin that has occurred during this 2016 Presidential election cycle. From leaked emails to
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In this episode of the Dudes and Beer podcast host Christopher Jordan is joined in studio by Nelson Kugle and Steven Bishop to discuss the concept of a multi-dimensional universe and the power of dreams. We live in an amazing age of virtual reality, some scientists have proffered the idea
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In this episode of the Dudes and Beer podcast host Christopher Jordan is joined in studio by Steven Bishop and Nelson Kugle to discuss fun recently had at Halloween parties and the annual binge watching of horror movies while waiting for trick or treaters. In addition the guys also discuss
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