Christopher Jordan has been a live audio and video engineer for 20 years with experience in live venues, large format shows, radio and television broadcast as well as high end Corporate A/V and live audio/video recording and streaming. Christopher also owns Austin Hot Mods an Austin, TX based guitar pedal modification company and HC Productions a live Audio/Video recording & content streaming company.
In this groundbreaking first volume of Thinking Deeply with Dudes and Beer host Christopher Jordan discusses the greed of concept that is Black Friday in America and is it possible that we have truly corrupted the meaning of Christmas?! CLICK HERE TO PLAY OR RIGHT CLICK TO “SAVE LINK AS”
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In this episode of the Dudes and Beer podcast host Christopher Jordan is joined in studio by Nelson Kugle and Steven bishop to discuss the ongoing rash of ER visits by people using synthetic marijuana and other drugs. In the later part of the episode we enjoy a vinyl night
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In this insightful episode of the Dudes and Beer podcast host Christopher Jordan is joined on the phone by investigative reporter and host of The Blah Blah Show, Jon Bowne to discuss the fate of the first amendment in America. In recent days since the election there are riots and
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That’s right folks…we are a family here at Dudes and Beer and as such we have decided to get together and have a special LIVE Thanksgiving episode of Dudes and Beer on Thanksgiving Day! Tune in while we fry a turkey, have a few drinks and enjoy some great company
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In this episode of the Dudes and Beer podcast host Christopher Jordan is joined in studio by Steven Bishop, Nelson Kugle and special guest Stone Winchester to discuss the recent articles detailing the inevitability of killer robots. From drones to assembly robots artificial intelligence if growing by the day…what does
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That’s right folks…we are a family here at Dudes and Beer and as such we have decided to get together and have a special LIVE Thanksgiving episode of Dudes and Beer 1pm CDT Thanksgiving Day! Tune in while we fry a turkey, have a few drinks and enjoy some great
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