Christopher Jordan has been a live audio and video engineer for 20 years with experience in live venues, large format shows, radio and television broadcast as well as high end Corporate A/V and live audio/video recording and streaming. Christopher also owns Austin Hot Mods an Austin, TX based guitar pedal modification company and HC Productions a live Audio/Video recording & content streaming company.
In this episode of the Dudes and Beer podcast host Christopher Jordan is joined on the phone by friend and reporter Jon Bowne, host of the Blah Blah Show to discuss the happenings at Stonehenge this Solstice. What are they celebrating? What is the connection of the location to the
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In this episode of the Dudes and Beer podcast host Christopher Jordan is joined in studio by Steven Bishop and Thomas Metz to discuss our favorite movies that get us in the mood for Christmas. What is it that makes a Christmas movie? Is it just a tree and lights
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In this edition of Thinking Deeply with Dudes and Beer host Christopher Jordan discusses how to begin finding happiness in life. From our jobs to our hobbies, how do we define ourselves as people? Where do we find the people to support us in our efforts? What could life be
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In this episode of the Dudes and beer podcast host Christopher Jordan is joined in studio by Steven Bishop and Nelson Kugle to discuss the recent stories in the news regarding the possibility as the CIA states that the cyber-attacks and subsequent releases of DNC emails came from Russia. Are
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In this edition of Thinking Deeply with Dudes and Beer host Christopher Jordan sits back and contemplates the country as we know it 81 years after the repealing of the Volstead Act, the law which brought about Prohibition. What were the consequences that we saw? What if anything is being
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We at Dudes and Beer were so entirely happy to hear our friends over at not only had a great Halloween season, but also the incredible news that they have officially re-booted the Scary Dad podcast covering everything from DIY project to the haunter culture and even the latest
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