Christopher Jordan has been a live audio and video engineer for 20 years with experience in live venues, large format shows, radio and television broadcast as well as high end Corporate A/V and live audio/video recording and streaming. Christopher also owns Austin Hot Mods an Austin, TX based guitar pedal modification company and HC Productions a live Audio/Video recording & content streaming company.
Dudes and Beer is all about life, love and living life through our passions and what we love to do. But how do we get to the point of being able to do this? Is it possible to actually live this way and make a living doing it? Join us
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We at Dudes and Beer love videos about science and magic…check out this great video of 5 awesome magic tricks as posted by Mr Gear!
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Dudes and Beer is very proud to have recently been invited to be a guest host on the F*#K Your Opinion Podcast with Confucius Jones in their first episode of 2017 and this one is the best yet. FYO is joined by the Minister Robert Muhammad of the Nation Of
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In this episode of Thinking Deeply with Dudes and Beer host Christopher Jordan delves into the topic of friendship. Since we were children we have surrounded ourselves with people throughout our lives…but do we actually call all of these people our “friends”? What is it that makes a person into
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Dudes and Beer is all about Life, Love and and living life through our passions and what we love to do. But how do we get to the point of being able to do this? Is it possible to actually live this way and make a living doing it? Join
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With tornadoes abounding in Texas and flood waters rising overflowing dams in California what is the cause of the severe weather we have been seeing as of late? Is it due to the carbon footprint of humanity or is there a greater cycle at play? Scientists recently recorded a breach
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