Christopher Jordan has been a live audio and video engineer for 20 years with experience in live venues, large format shows, radio and television broadcast as well as high end Corporate A/V and live audio/video recording and streaming. Christopher also owns Austin Hot Mods an Austin, TX based guitar pedal modification company and HC Productions a live Audio/Video recording & content streaming company.
In our second hour of coverage from the Mecum auto auction LIVE in Houston, Texas we speak with Dudes and Beer prize wheel winner Michael Wassen who attends Mecum with his every year. He discusses his love of his family business Legacy Mechanical Solutions in Tomball, Texas and how since
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In this episode of the Dudes and Beer Podcast host Christopher Jordan is joined by Steven Bishop, Julie Connally, Randy Jordan and Steve “Pops” Davis on the road in Houston, Texas broadcasting LIVE from the world renowned Mecum Auto Auction. Somewhere among the rows of classic cars, hot rods, street
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ya gotta admit, watching people get pranked is pretty funny…watching people get pranked with beer is even better. Here’s a great video that shows you 10 FUNNY BEER PRANKS!! – HOW TO PRANK by howtoPRANKitup on their youtube channel.
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Dudes and Beer was recently asked to guest host a very special edition of the incredibly awesome, fun and informative Yes But Why Podcast. In this episode the YBY cast was honored to interview top notch communication specialist, Donna HD! Donna is based out of Houston and teaches improv techniques
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Ever just sit back and wonder some of the crazy things you can do with beer? We do. Check out this great video 10 beer life hacks by CrazyRussianHacker on his youtube channel and discover some of the easy fun ways to enjoy your beer!
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In this episode of Thinking Deeply with Dudes and Beer host Christopher Jordan considers the topic of why adults still need role-models and mentors. From the time we are children we look up to certain people in the world around us to help direct us upon our chosen path. Are
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