Christopher Jordan has been a live audio and video engineer for 20 years with experience in live venues, large format shows, radio and television broadcast as well as high end Corporate A/V and live audio/video recording and streaming. Christopher also owns Austin Hot Mods an Austin, TX based guitar pedal modification company and HC Productions a live Audio/Video recording & content streaming company.
Join the Dudes n Beer podcast LIVE Tuesday night August 7th at 8pm CST, as we welcome Digital Media Specialist and owner of, Richard Adams as well as Therapist and Author, Michael Devine, MS, LPC-S, LICDC and special first time guest, host of “Max Miller: Voice of the Radical
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In this episode of the Dudes n Beer podcast host Christopher Jordan is joined by Dudes n Beer Technology Correspondent and Interactive VR Developer Billy Joe Cain of the Radical Empathy Foundation to the program to discuss the current state of VR in our modern world as well as new
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Join the Dudes n Beer podcast LIVE Tuesday July 31st at 8pm as we welcome Dudes n Beer Technology Correspondent and Interactive VR Developer Billy Joe Cain of the Radical Empathy Foundation to the program to discuss the current state of VR in our modern world as well as new
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In this episode of the Dudes n Beer podcast host Christopher Jordan is joined by Steven Bishop as well as special guest and Therapist Michael Devine, MS, LPC-S, LICDC to discuss the psychological concept of Cognitive Dissonance and the possible root of some of the societal issue we are currently
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Tune into the Dudes n Beer podcast this Tuesday night July 23rd at 8pm CST for a what will be a very revealing broadcast with special guest and Therapist Michael Devine to discuss the psychological concept of Cognitive Dissonance and the possible root of some of the societal issue we
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In this episode of the Dudes n beer podcast host Christopher Jordan is joined by Steven Bishop as well as special guest and Ibogaine /DMT Treatment specialist Byron Burkhammer with Beginnings Ibogaine a clinic specializing in the use of Ibogaine, a traditional African drug, for the treatment of medical issues
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