In this episode of the Dudes n Beer podcast host Christopher Jordan welcomes back to the program criminal defense attorney and head of JL Carpenter Law & Associates, JL Carpenter to the program as well as independent write-in Presidential candidate Daniel Roy Baron for an important discussion the topic of knowing and protecting your 4th Amendment rights according to the Constitution.
All too often we hear of the cases where people have had their rights violated by police or Government entities imposing their will upon the law…and worse. But what would it mean if that same victim of the system suddenly knew their rights and actively stood up for them? Why is knowing your rights important and how does it actually help you when interacting with a law enforcement authority? Why should you always have the number of a good lawyer handy for such occasions?
In 2012 the “100 mile zone” actively went into effect, changing the way our rights are exercised and regulated on an almost daily basis. How do laws such as this, the Patriot Act, NDAA and more affect the state of our rights? What can we do to better educate ourselves and those around us? How can the average citizen take back their power and use their rights as thy should be used?
Join the Dudes n Beer podcast as we discuss the topic of 4th Amendment rights and more with special guests, defense attorney JL Carpenter and 2020 independent write-in Presidential candidate Daniel Roy Baron
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0:00 Show Intro and Chris introduces the topic of 4th Amendment rights and guests for the episode JL Carpenter of JL Carpenter Law and Assoicates as well as Daniel Roy Baron author and write-in Presidential candidate.
1:57 Chris uses the clip from Super Troopers where the stoners get pulled over to exagrate the point of knowing your rights when getting pulled over by police.
4:45 JL shares the harrowing story of clients whose cases were dismissed due to lack of probable cause for the traffic stops.
10:00 Chris and JL discuss the recent wave of laws passed in Texas regarding the legalization of hemp and the decriminalization of marijuana in some jurisdictions and how great they are for unburdening police and the court system.
15:00 JL Give her advice of what to do when you do get pulled over by a law enforcement officer, how to protect yourself and how to “Not fight it on the street but in the courtroom”.
20:00 JL Goes into the true power of invoking your right to counsel and the words “I need to talk to my Lawyer”
25:00 JL and chris share stories about how their chosen career paths have officially given their children no way to ever get away with anything!
30:00 Chris invites guests to visit the Dudes n Beer knowledge vault and get their copy of the constitution. Chris then thanks JL and welcome back to the program Author and write-in presidential candidate for 2020 Daniel Roy Baron.
40:00 Daniel explains how the militarization of our police have led to atrocities in our streets and proposes replacing police with social workers.
44:00 Chris and Daniel discuss the long history of candidates running from their past instead of embracing it and stepping in front of the headlines to show their humanity.
51:00 Daniel discusses the ways that his life changed after beginning to follow a path of spiritual quests instead of working for the capitalist dream and what a psychic told him would happen for him in the future.
58:00 Daniel discusses his platform for a new America with his #ETownHalls movement and the Great Mandate.
1:03 Chris thanks the audience and guests for a great episode and signs off the air with the Dudes n Beer outro.