DnB Ep 103: Discoveries of Cassini, Life and Travel in Space, Sex-Bots and the Future of Insects as Food

In this episode of the Dudes and Beer Podcast host Christopher Jordan is joined by Steven Bishop, Julie Connally and special guest Christopher J. Oglesby of PrettyCoolArt.com to discuss recent scientific discoveries and their possible impact on humanity. What do the new announcements from NASA that information from the Cassini Spacecraft shows there is actually an ocean that could support life under the ice surface of Saturn’s moon Enceladus mean to the future of space travel? Could this possibly be a stop on the way to intergalactic travel? What are some of the possibilities of life on the icy moon and other places in the universe…are we truly alone? What are some of the dangers and possible business opportunities regarding Space Junk? What will it take for man to finally travel among the stars? Will it take the adoption of new food sources that can be easily grown such as rabbits, rats and insects? How does artificial intelligence play into the equation of space travel and life on Earth as we know it? Are the new Sex-bots being released just the beginning of normalization of the average person to A.I. and are people going to accept or reject the concept? Will robots gain rights and be seen the same as people? Will we live in a dystopian future full of nano grey ooze? What will the ultimate fate of mankind be if robot overlords take over the Earth? These questions and more explored in this fascinating episode of the Dudes and Beer Podcast.


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